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Scholarship Name
Eligibility Criteria
High School
Additional Info
Edward M. Amaral Memorial Scholarship
An HHS student who has lettered in a varsity sport and who had demonstrated a desire to constantly improve academically, athletically and socially.
Hanover HS
Varsity sport
Jenna Atturio Memorial Scholarship
The applicant must be a deserving Hanover High School Senior who has participated in Academic Strategies classes, and is planning his/her education and interest in the medical field.
Hanover HS
T. Drew Bates Memorial Scholarship
Any HHS graduate planning to continue their education.
Hanover HS
Matthew and Dana Berger Memorial Scholarship
An HHS student pursuing a career in Music.
Hanover HS
Superintendent Clifton E. Bradley Memorial Scholarship
Graduating students residing in Hanover with a preference in the field of education.
Any HS
Margaret Burns Memorial Scholarship
Any graduating student from HHS with a preference in the field of education.
Hanover HS
4 year award
Michael Cina Memorial Scholarship
Any Hanover graduating student who plans to further his/her education.
Any HS
Class of 1979 Memorial Scholarship
To honor any and all of their deceased classmates by paying it forward to a current graduate who is a resident of Hanover, and who will be attending an accredited 2 or 4 year school or college.
Any HS
Paul F. Connors Memorial Scholarship
An HHS student who plans to further his/her education at an associates or bachelor level.
Hanover HS
Deborah A Culhane Memorial Scholarship
Deserving female graduate of HHS who has been active in the community, has well rounded co-curricular activities and plans to major in business.
Hanover HS
Female student
Dr. A Peter and Heide Davis Memorial Scholarship
A 4-year award for a student of nursing or health sciences.
Any HS
4 year award
Cathleen Marie Driscoll Memorial Scholarship
An HHS student in the field of Art or Physical Education.
Hanover HS
Erin Dunne Memorial Scholarship
An HHS student who has participated in Academic Strategies classes at HHS and plans to further their education beyond high school, OR who plans to further their education at a college or university in a field related to working with differently abled individuals.
Hanover HS
Jane Tobey Eden Memorial Scholarship
An HHS Senior who desires to pursue an education in the teaching profession.
Hanover HS
Richard J. Erickson Memorial Scholarship
An HHS graduating student who plans to pursue a degree in education.
Hanover HS
Jean Farr Memorial Scholarship
A graduate who has participated in Academic Strategies classes at HHS and plans to further his/her education at a college or university in the field of Teaching or Special Education. Graduates must demonstrate a commitment to learning, service and community.
Hanover HS
Mary Catherine Giardiello Storey Memorial Scholarship
Any Hanover graduate who intends to pursue higher education in the medical profession or medical research.
Any HS
Nancy L. Guadano Memorial Scholarship
An HHS graduating senior who has maintained an above average academic record with evidence of good character, planning further education at a college or university in government first, liberal arts or library science.
Hanover HS
Peter J. Hefferenan Jr. Memorial Scholarship
An HHS Senior who desires to continue his or her education in Public Safety.
Hanover HS
Willard & Norma Thorpe Jocelyn Memorial Scholarship
An HHS Senior with intentions of pursuing studies in the field of Education.
Hanover HS
Kenneth R. Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Deserving graduate of HHS in good academic standing who has participated on the Hanover High School Golf Team.
Hanover HS
Golf team
Barbara Barker Kemp Memorial Scholarship
An HHS Senior who is planning on attending a 2-4 year college or vocational college who values the importance of education, will be majoring in Education, and who is involved in student activities/ sports that demonstrate moral character & leadership.
Hanover HS
Robert L. Kimball Memorial Scholarship
An HHS student who is continuing his/her education at a post-secondary school with strong interest in furthering their degree in education, medical, or business fields.
Hanover HS
2 years varsity sport OR 3 years government or art/music
Marguerite & Frederick Leary Memorial Scholarship
A 4-year award for nursing students.
Any HS
4 year award
Mary Moore Maglione Memorial Scholarship
An HHS Senior who desires to further his/her education.
Hanover HS
Matteoli Family Memorial Scholarship
A graduating Senior from Hanover who plans to further his/ her education.
Any HS
Anthony M. and Madeline Matteoli Memorial Scholarship
A graduating Senior from Hanover who plans to further his/ her education.
Any HS
Brian A. Maxwell Memorial Scholarship
Any HHS Senior who has participated in a sport at the varsity level for at least 2 years. Students must have already been accepted at an accredited college or university.
Hanover HS
2 years varsity sport
Claire & Martha Nagle Memorial Scholarship
A graduating student of HHS planning to further education in allied health fields. Also to a Hanover resident graduating from Notre Dame Academy in Hingham planning to further education in any field.
Hanover HS or Notre Dame HS
Janet W. O'Brien Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship will benefit a student who possesses integrity and compassion, and who demonstrates an interest in public service and commitment to the community.
Any HS
John Schrader Memorial Scholarship
An HHS Senior who is continuing his/her education at a post secondary institution. One who has lettered in either soccer or tennis and who has demonstrated leadership in the High School community through participation in student council.
Hanover HS
Soccer or tennis letter Student council
Paul Edward Setterland Memorial Scholarship
Any Hanover graduating student who plans to further his/her education.
Any HS
Elaine J Shea Memorial Scholarship
An HHS graduate with a strong interest in education, community service, or business.
Hanover HS
Robert C. Shea Memorial Scholarship
A graduating senior from Hanover who possesses integrity and compassion and who demonstrates an interest in public service and commitment to the community. Preference will be given to a student considering a career in government, business or education.
Any HS
Lyda and Robert Shortall Memorial Scholarship
Any Hanover graduate who is interested in furthering their education in the field of aviation or aeronautics, including piloting, air traffic controller or airplane mechanics OR a graduate interested in furthering their education in the field of Education.
Any HS
Lois Thomson Memorial Scholarship
Any Hanover graduating student who is furthering their education.
Any HS
Hanover Permanent Fund Scholarship
Any Hanover resident. May be renewed once, renewal application required.
Any HS
1 renewal available with renewal application

©2025 by Hanover Permanent Scholarship Fund.

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