All donations, large or small, enable the Hanover Permanent Scholarship Fund to continue to grow, thereby making increasingly more substantial scholarship awards a reality each and every year.
Your donation makes a difference in the student's ability to pursue higher education.
Donations are tax-deductible, will be acknowledged, and are greatly appreciated.
Donations may be made online through JustGiving linked here or mailed to:
Hanover Permanent Scholarship Fund
PO Box 67
Hanover, MA 02339
Spring of each year, we mail out our annual request for donations which includes a form to mail your donations to the address above. If you would like to be added to this mailing, please click here.
One easy way to contribute is by using whenever you shop on Amazon. Select Hanover Permanent Scholarship Fund from the available charities and a portion of your sales will be donated to the HPSF.